Jasmine Guffond is an artist and composer working at the interface of social, political and technical infrastructures. Focused on electronic composition across music and art contexts her practice spans live performance, recording, installation and custom made browser add-on. Through the sonification of data she explores the potential of sound to engage with contemporary political questions and engages listening as a situated knowledge practice.
She completed her masters degree in sound studies at the Universität der Künste, Berlin (2015) and PhD at the University of N.S.W., Sydney, (2021) where she undertook a practice-based research into sound and listening as critical modes of inquiry into contemporary online surveillance cultures. She currently also teaches at the Sound Studies master program at the UdK, Berlin.
Listen to Lists, “Zerlegen, um zu durchschauen. Jasmine Guffond
Interviewt Maria Eriksson”, “Listening Back: Maria Eriksson Interviewt
Jasmine Guffond” Herausgegeben von Lina Brion and Detlef Diederichsen.
Die Reihe, ‘Das Neue Alphabet’, Eine Publikationsreihe des HKW, Berlin,
Spector Books, 2021
Guffond, Jasmine, “Listening Ahead”, Sound as a Model of Time: Thinking
Time as Sound. Music, Sound Art and French Philosophies of Time, Edited
by Sabine Sanio, Band 1 der Reihe, ‘Sound: Art and Studies’, Verlag der
Univer- sität der Künste Berlin 2014
Sound Studies, Listening, Sounding Art, Surveillance Studies, Digital
Surveillance Infrastructures, Sonification